Financial Technology

Financial technology otherwise known as Fintech is a recent technological innovation which is competing with the customary financial procedures in carrying out financial services. Financial technology is the latest industry that makes use of technological tools to enhance financial activities. For instance, when you are using PayPal, Google Wallet, your Credit Card or Apple Pay to make financial transactions online, you, the banks and the e-commerce retailers involved in the exchange are making use of FinTech. Not only that, anytime you go online to check the perfect mortgage rates for your desired home or to finance the one you are living in, you are using FinTech.
The purpose of Fintech is to bring financial services to the grassroots and allow the general public to enjoy easy access to financial services. In simple terms, Fintech can be related to any technological innovation that will enable people to carry out their businesses from the emergence of the double-entry bookkeeping to the digital money transactions. This technology includes;
- Business model
- New Software with their Applications
- Processes

Starting from the origination of internet and the revolution of mobile internet, Fintech has expanded vastly. Due to this revolution, a financial technology which is formerly known as computer technology now applies to trading firms, banks, and back offices and this brings in the Firstcall Investment banking.
Firstcall Investment Banking is one of the FinTechs providers which emerged many years back. We aim at providing the latest innovation in technology to financial concepts. Also to allow the consumers have a higher influence on the outcomes of their finances.
Our firm has described vast varieties of technological interventions into commercial and personal finance.
Firstcall utilizes latest innovations in financial technology such as predictive behavioral analytics, artificial intelligence/ machine learning, and information-driven marketing which takes habit and guesswork out of the financial decisions. The learning applications from Fintech learns its user’s habits which they are not even aware of and also engage the users with teaching them games that will make their unconscious, automatic spending with saving decisions perfect.
Firstcall Fintech program encompasses the following areas
- Digital cash and Cryptocurrency
- The Blockchain technology which consists of Ethereum; a distributed ledger technology {DLT} to maintain data on computer networks but without a central ledger.
- Smart contracts that make use of computer programs to execute contracts between the sellers and the buyers automatically.
- Open banking which is a concept that is geared towards blockchain which posits that bank data should be accessible to the third parties to enable them to build Apps that can create a related network of third-parties provider and financial institutions.
- Insurtech that seeks to utilize technology to streamline and simplify insurance industries.
- Regtech that seeks to direct financial services organizations to achieve the compliance rules, know your customer protocols that help to fight fraud and Anti-Money laundering rules of the industry.
- Robo-advisors like Betterment which uses algorithms for the automation of investment advice for an increase in accessibility and cost reduction.
- An underbanked/unbanked service which seeks to bring low-income or disadvantaged people that are underserved or ignored by the local banks or the mainstream financial institutions.
- Cybersecurity which is decentralizing the data storage proliferation of cybercrime, and cyber security which is interlocked with Fintech.

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How is Firstcall Different from the Competition?
- Our charges are very competitive and the major component of our fee is based on the successful completion of our client’s transactions.
- We are not traditional business brokers; instead, we are specialists and command full authority in the areas we operate.
- No matter the size of any transaction, we pay high-level attention to it.
- We follow and support each client’s objective with in-depth research, rigorous analysis and meticulously designed solutions.
- Firstcall would set achievable goals to the clients and efficiently push them to exceed those goals.
- Our firm utilizes the latest technology to provide our clients with access to the global markets.
Get in touch with our Experts to find out how we can help your Business Grow
+91 9082832586